Author, consultant in sexual dysfunction
What is a urinary tract infection? Urinary tract infections (UTI) is defined as the presence of
multiplication of microorganisms (bugs) in the tract through which urine comes from >> << kidneys through the bladder to the outside world. UTI is 50 times more common in women, about 5 percent a year
developing symptoms. UTI is rare in men below 60 years, but the frequency >> << like men and women in older age groups. Condition varies from (soft, but
disturbing inflammation that is limited to the bladder) to severe infections
kidney such as pyelonephritis (when the infection has reached >> << kidney tissue itself) . Treatment depends on how and why the disease manifests itself. Most patients respond quickly to antibiotic treatment and is unlikely to have
any other abnormalities of the urinary tract. IMP rare in men, so that in all cases require investigation. , Infection
or inflammation of the prostate gland (gland under the bladder that produces
some components of semen), causes symptoms that can be mistaken for
UTI in men. What is IMP? In healthy men, urine is sterile (contains no micro-organisms). The most important factor in maintaining the sterility of the urinary tract is
emptying the bladder completely and often. The cause of most urinary tract infections is that first solve (colonize) around the urethra (urine tube) and
then climb the rest of the urinary tract. Several factors may make this process
more reliable. UTI is classified as Unsafe or hospital
purchased. 70 percent of outpatient infections are usually caused by
bacteria Escherichia coli (E coli) from
patient's own depths. Hospital infections are usually, E. Coli, but
Pseudomonas and Staphlococci are important factors, such as
surgical instruments, such as a catheter is used, instrumentation
factor. Nosocomial infections can often be associated with several >> << organisms and resistance to antibiotics is a common problem. What are the symptoms of UTI? Symptoms vary depending on whether the infection affects >> << less (bladder and urethra) or upper (kidneys and ureters) of the urinary tract >>. << Symptoms of lower urinary tract infections
dysuria (burning sensation during urination), frequency (frequent urination) and urgency
(urgent need to urinate). In the urine may be cloudy with an unpleasant odor. In older men, common symptoms such as confusion and incontinence can be
now. Urine infections are much commoner in the elderly, because of poor bladder emptying
, enlarged prostate, or incontinence associated with
or. Symptoms of upper urinary tract infection are the same as
lower tract symptoms plus loin (flank) pain, fever and chills. Patient
likely to be ill and may require hospitalization. How to diagnose? Test strips dipped in the urine can detect indirect signs
infection such as blood, protein, leukocytes, nitrites (most common
bacteria convert nitrate, which is a chemical normally present in urine to nitrites
that are usually not present). Clean urine sample crossing should be cheap strattera directed to the lab >> << for microscopic examination. Levels of 100 000 bacteria per milliliter of urine >> << considered as a significant infection, especially if found together with
pus or white blood cells (WBCs) on microscopy. Any infection of bacteria
cultured in the laboratory to assess their susceptibility to conventional antibiotics. How to treat UTI? Who particular risk? : The common symptoms of diabetes. : Learn how to treat arthritis. : What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? .
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